The very first day I met my host mom she brought a pizza with chicken on it home with her. And I didn't want to be rude so I ate it and it was a serious struggle. But now I'm trapped by the rules of politeness and society and such: it's too late to tell her I'm a vegetarian.
Last night (well, morning/night thing), she made gnocchi with cheese and I was like "all right, we may be ok here!" but then tonight was a salted pork haunch stewed with lentils. The lentils were good, I'm down for some nice lentils, but not only is pork the meat I dislike eating the most, but it was freaking salty. Like, straight up salted pork. Oh and also there were little slices of raw herring as a side dish with dill and cranberries. That one's not even a vegetarian thing, that's just a "I'd rather not eat fish with scales still on it, thanks" sort of thing.
It's not even the animal loving side of me that is making me struggle the most with this, it's that after 6 years of vegetarianism (minus a year or so in the middle[arguably Brooklin's fault]) I genuinely do not like meat. It grosses me out. And my tummy hurts now.
I know, I'm in France and I just need to suck it up. The breakfast is always good, baguettes with jam and butter and then some fruit and OJ on the side. I just go get pastries and stuff for lunch. But man. the struggle is going to be real with the dinners. I'm sure it will be hit and miss.
I might have to tell her I just don't like meat. I just feel that that is so rude though, and she is so nice.
I know I'm spoiled and being whiny. Something still might have to be done.
Also the girls are obsessed with Twilight. Much as I would like to explain to them that Bella is a terrible role model who defines her whole life by the men in it, and that Edward is a possessive creeper, I don't have the heart to. Also my French isn't good enough.
Anyways I told them that my best friend Brooklin's cousin had gone to the same high school as Taylor Lautner, (which I'm 85% sure is true) and they all just about passed out. They ran and got pictures of him from their rooms to show me how much they love him, and were asking me if I had ever met him. I was like "no. (subtext: I was just trying to make myself sound cool by telling you about a very obscure connection I have to him)" It totally worked {smirk}. Anyways I may have to obtain some twilight posters for these kids, cause even though I don't support their fandom, I will forgo that in order to be cool.
Oh my gosh I'm compromising all my core values due to peer pressure (particularly ashamed of the Twilight one). This is what they talked about in Sunday School. Oh no.
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